Streaming and digital services
Recorded music or podcasts charged at per track/performance to all main streaming networks
£120.00 (one off payment upto 10 tracks or 1 podcast)
Loading fee £45.00 per track/performance
Digital distribution on download music sites £0.15 per track
Radio promotions
Basic: UK only £230.00
Advanced: UK only £450.00
Maximum: UK only £950.00
Basic: Worldwide only £430.00
Advanced: Worldwide only £750.00
Maximum: Worldwide only £1750.00
General artiste PR
All round PR pack per artiste/group
Start at £500.00
Basic: Worldwide only £500.00
Advanced: Worldwide only £1950.00
Maximum: Worldwide only £3850.00
PR consultancy £200 per hour
Artiste management
As an artist/group, having an experienced management team around you can help you grow and develop your career.
Our team of artist management consultants have the expertise with booking agents, artiste development, exclusive sync representation and management of dedicated PA's to individual clients.
Our Artist Management Consultants are here to help you achieve the heights of your musical career with SSR!
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Mixing tracks
£450.00 per track
£4000.00 per album (upto 10 tracks)
Dithering for CD production
£30.00 per track
Mastering individual tracks or albums for CD/MP3
Single track £250.00
Album of 10 tracks £2000.00 (more tracks poa)
Mastering individual tracks or albums for vinyl
Single track £325.00
Album of 10 tracks £3000.00 (more tracks poa)
Hard copy distribution UK and Ireland £1.60 per single or album copy
Administration for the delivering of manufacturing £250.00
One time fee per single or album
Prices may vary for manufacturing CD, tapes, and vinyl (poa)
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Recording services
Video services
Video creation starting from £2000.00 upto 4 minutes
Videos charged per video to all main streaming networks
Loading fee £60.00 per video